I joined Dana Perino on SOTU-eve to recap the first year of the Trump presidency, look forward to the 2018 midterms, and preview the upcoming State of the Union speech:
Talking Infrastructure on CNBC
I joined CNBC‘s Squawk Box over the holiday break to talk about the prospects for an infrastructure package in the wake of tax reform.
The upshot–it won’t be easy to find partisan consensus on what “infrastructure” looks like, much something that can get the necessary buy-in from congressional Dems.
Hurdles ahead for infrastructure programs in 2018 from CNBC.
Fox 5 On The Hill: Tax Reform
I talked with WTTG’s Tom Fitzgerald this Sunday about the tax reform debate on Capitol Hill
Talking Montana and Russia on MSNBC
On Friday evening I joined Chris Hayes on MSNBC to about the Montana special election and its implications for Republicans. An hour or two before the show, the Washington Post dropped a bombshell report that Jared Kushner had discussed secret back-channel communications with the Russians in a previously unreported meeting during the transition period. With the news coloring the rest of the show, the segment ended up being a bit of a mashup.
On Russia, Comey and the Ghost of Bombshells Past
Over at Medium I wrote up a tweetstorm on the Russia/Comey imbroglio and why Republicans might be haunted by the Access Hollywood tape and its anticlimactic aftermath.
Surely this was it. The SS Trump had hit an iceberg, and Republicans were scrambling for life jackets. He had survived ugly moments before, but this was different.
Or was it? The ever observant Chris Stirewalt noted the terms in which most of disavowals had been couched. They had left themselves a rhetorical bread crumb trail just in case.
Surely not, I said. There’s no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.
In a way we were both right.
Full post here.