Pro Politics: Liam Donovan Returns

I joined veteran Democratic pollster Zac McCrary for his Pro Politics Podcast to unpack the events of the past two weeks, and what we should expect from the House GOP conference going forward.

Listen to the full episode here.

Show notes via Pro Politics:

Liam Donovan, a principal at Bracewell and longtime insider and observer of the Hill GOP, returns to weigh in on a chaotic couple of weeks in the House – including the surprise sidestepping of a government shutdown, the toppling of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and the budding race to fill his shoes. In this conversation, Liam talks the factors that led to McCarthy’s ouster, how House Democrats could’ve “saved” him (and why they didn’t), how he’s thinking about the nascent race to be the next Speaker, a check-in on the ’24 GOP presidential primary & more.


Liam’s take on the 9-month tenure of Speaker McCarthy…

Liam’s biggest surprises in the saga of the toppling of Kevin McCarthy…

Why the CR to keep the government open both antagonized GOP rebels while alienating House Democrats…

Why Democrats might have chosen to “save” McCarthy…and why they didn’t…

How Liam is looking at the Jordan vs. Scalise battle for Speaker…

Liam on the possibility of a McCarthy Restoration…

Why acting-Speaker Patrick McHenry could be a default longer-term option…

A couple members of the GOP conference who Liam thinks will be predictive of who emerges from the fight for Speaker…

Liam on a possible shutdown after the 45-day CR elapses…

The path forward for additional funding of Ukraine…

Liam’s latest take on Trump’s strength in the GOP presidential primary and the campaigns of Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley…

AND big bargaining chips, catching the fly, Wile E. Coyote, the debt limit crisis, Diet Trump, discharge petitions, evil-genius super villains, Brian Fitzpatrick, the Freedom Caucus, the Gaetz 8, the Full Ginsberg, Lindsay Graham, gratuitous shutdowns, Garret Graves, Ben Jacobs, Hakeem Jeffries, jousting with totems, Mitch McConnell, nihilism, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Politico, procedural blockades, Punchbowl, The Republican Study Committee, revocable non-support, tipping points, Glenn Youngkin…& more!

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The Lobby Shop: Special Episode on House Speaker Drama

Special ? Speaker madness episode

We tracked Liam down between media interviews to get his take on the historic vote last night that ousted Speaker McCarthy. Liam, Josh, and Paul discuss the tensions within the GOP and with Democrats leading up to the vote, who has put their hat in the ring to be the next Speaker, and what this all means for issues such as funding for Ukraine.

Listen to the full episode here.

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NPR: GOP makes history when 8 hard-liners succeed in ousting House Speaker McCarthy

I joined NPR‘s Morning Edition to discuss the aftermath of the historic vote to vacate the office of the Speaker, and what (and who) comes next for the House of Representatives.

NPR’s A Martinez talks to Republican strategist Liam Donovan about what it says about the state of the GOP when a small group of Republican rebels was able to topple the speaker of the House.

Listen to the full segment here.

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The Dispatch Podcast: On the Brink of a Government Shutdown

I joined Mike Warren of The Dispatch to discuss the likely government shutdown and the politics thereof.

Via The Dispatch:

GOP hardliners aren’t negotiating with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, as government shutdown looms. Government Relations Strategist Liam Donovan joins The Dispatch to break down how we got here and:
-Ukraine’s funding
-Senate pushing a Continuing Resolution to stave off a shutdown
-McCarthy’s House resistance
-Gaetz pushing for a betrayal

Show Notes:

-Watch this episode on YouTube

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